Thursday, June 4, 2009

Your Voice

He can do it so much better.

She has served with such excellence.

Many lives have been touched through them.

Awesome words have been said.

And written.

Fantastic songs have been written.

And sung.

Powerful messages have been created.

And preached.

Man's history book records many acts of greatness.

I know.

But God's history book records many more.

People living out God's purpose for their lives in out-of-the way out-of-the spotlight places.

"My ambition is to belong to the Lord and be entirely at His disposal", they say.

Although many things have been done in the world God still has a specific assignment for you, fellow Christ follower!

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) " For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

I see God's assignments for us as unique.

"Start this business", He tells you.

"Get involved in this ministry."

"Write this book."

"Take this job."

"Sing this song."

The "song" may have been sung by many others.


But it's never been sung by you.

What makes it different is your voice.

We have four Gospels in the New Testament.

What if Mark, John, and Luke had said.. "Matthew has already written one. He did a great job. Why should we write one?"

We wouldn't have their unique voices sharing a common truth.

And that would be a sad thing, wouldn't it?

Your voice makes God's assignment special.

A choir is made up of many voices.

And when they sing the same song, it's marvelous.

But one less voice here.

One less there.

It's just not the same anymore.

Your voice is important.

Unique in your generation.

And yet blending perfectly with all of the others down through the ages.


Jay Paterson said...

This is another terrific message today! Every time I read your latest entry, it is usually a WOW moment for me, as I am certain it is for many others!

OK ... when are you going to write a book, and then some more books? It's time for you to step up to a new and higher horizon, as I sense that God is desiring that you do so.

Oh, no ... not even close to the time to move on from your radio ministry, but time to expand your horizons!

God has Blessed you with tremendous wisdom and knowledge, and I sense that it is His desire that you expand your ministry into other areas.

Yup ... sure think so! And why not!All things are possible through Christ!

It's all about Him, and the Kingdom of Christ, and you sure do have the gift of communicating His message!

Thanks for all that you do! My life has been deeply touched through all that you share!

God Bless!


Rocque said...

I listened to your message "live" yesterday, and it was very motivational. I have a blog on WordPress that I have been thinking of expanding. Then I think, "who needs another motivational blog?"
Your message hit home on that one.
So it is now on my "to do" list to use the domain name I have been sitting on for a year and expand my free motivational blog into one I host with more band width and see where it goes.

Keep up the great work you do, and I will continue to pray for all the people associated with the radio station that means so much to me. SOS Radio is awesome.