Tuesday, August 25, 2009

When It's Time To Go

You can't go with God and stay where you are.

That's a simple thought that can take on a whole new dimension when God says... "It's time to go."

There's a place for waiting on God.


But once he gives you the green light, it's time to release the brake and hit the gas.

The God of the universe is calling!

Can there be anything more exciting?

Hang on for the ride of your life!

And yet many of us sit at the green light.

Foot on the brake.

It may not be very much fun here at this stoplight but we've gotten used to it.

We can learn to ignore the honking of the cars behind us.

They can go around.

And they do.

We pray....

"Lord, lead me."

"Lord, guide me."

"Lord, use me."

But when he says "Yes"... and the light turns green.. we say "No Lord".

How can we use those two words together?

If He's truly Lord how can we say "no?

"But I'm afraid."

"I've never headed in that direction before."

"What if the road gets rough?"

"What if I run out of gas?"

What if....... What if.

"What if the road is beautiful?"

"What if I meet all kinds of wonderful people?"

"What if you use me in a much bigger way than I ever expected?"

Ephesians 3:20-21 (ESV) "Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever."

Now that I think about it.... sitting at God's green light doesn't even mean staying where we are.

We're actually going backwards.

Throwing it in reverse.

We soon find out the old familiar scenery looks strange now.


That's because God's good plan for us is just ahead.

On a road that looks....




The light is still green and God is still God.

What's it going to be?


Jay Paterson said...
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Jay Paterson said...

My Brother:

I suspected, but I never thought ... well, maybe I didn't want to believe it. But, somehow, someway, I knew. :-)

The light is now a brilliant GREEN, so never look back ... never look back at the former "mountains" that used to reflect in your rear view mirror. Just look ahead! The view will be awesome and spectacular!

Our Father in Heaven has something very spectacular waiting for you, as you continue your journey ... your journey of faith ... your journey of trusting Him as He leads you to higher grounds!

Yeah ... I'm going to miss you, very much so ... but God will keep the connection, for His purpose, for His glory, and for that I am most grateful!

As we used to say many years ago: See ya on the flip side! :-)

Your Brother in Christ,
