Monday, August 17, 2009

Feeding The Piranhas

Being the father of two boys is pretty much the same thing as being the father of piranhas.

Throw them a hunk of meat (or any other item that's edible) and it's gone in seconds.

Slightly exaggerated for effect?

Not much!

We can buy 2 gallons of milk and the cow is drained in a matter of hours.

Maybe we need a real cow.

Our homeowners association would never go for it.

Neither would my wife.

We've agreed: no more pets.

"But honey... the cow isn't really a pet... she's a real contributor to the family.

She's earning her keep.

She's not just a consumer."

I practiced saying those words out loud right now.

Even I know it'll never work.

Moooooooving right along.......!

Click on this link for some ideas on How to Feed Your Family on $100 Dollars a Week:

Of course there has to be a disclaimer in there somewhere if you've got a couple of piranhas in the family.

I say that with the greatest love and respect.

Love because they're my boys.

Respect because I know what can happen if.

If I don't keep my hands and feet away from their mouths when they're hungry.

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