Saturday, September 19, 2009

A New Adventure!

Change is in the air.

I guess you could say change is on the air too!

After 8 and-a-half awesome years at the SOS Radio Network in Las Vegas, I'm moving on to a new assignment: Co-Hosting the Afternoon Show on The Family Life Network.

FLN is a non-commercial Christian radio network based in beautiful Upstate New York.

Right now the network has about 70 broadcast outlets throughout New York and Pennsylvania.

They're growing by leaps and bounds!

God is doing some amazing things through this group of godly people.

There are so many new and exciting things going on at the ministry that I can't list them all. on this video to see what I mean:

Discover: Family Life Network (full resolution) from Family Life on Vimeo.

You can't have a beginning without an ending though.


How can I put it into words?

SOS listeners thank you!

Thank you for listening.

Thank you for making me smile.

Thank you for your calls and thoughts on the show.

Thank you for your many kind words.

Thank you for your prayers. For me and my family.

Thank you for being such good friends.

Some of you in Southern Nevada remember my days on TV.

Has it really been that long ago?!

Some of you I've met face to face.

Others on the phone.

Still others through email.

I have always walked away from these encounters thanking God for the honor of serving Him by serving you.

I don't deserve to serve such an awesome God.

Even on my best days I fall way short.

But because of His grace, I can embrace the role He has for me.

And you can too. Believe it!

I hope you'll keep checking in with the blog.

And you can listen to the new show online at

Looks like I'll be starting there on Monday, October 12th.

See ya on the Internet.... or.....

See ya on the radio!


Jay Paterson said...
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Jay Paterson said...

My Friend ... My dear Brother:

Man ... what can I say, other than the truth. A grown man has tears in his eyes right now.

I am going to miss you, terribly so! What can I do to convince you not to go?? No Lil Debbie's in New York???? :-)

No ... I cannot interfere with God's calling for you ... I can only willingly support it, pray for it, and know that He has something awesome planned!

Please don't leave without coming by, though ... please! E-mail me at my "jay@" addy, or call me on my cell.

May God's Blessings pour forth in your direction, my dear Brother ... Blessings, Blessings, Blessings! †


Anonymous said...

oh dear Lord please bless my dear brother and his precious family help him find a way to stay in touch i will sure miss you kurt thank you for always taking my calls and praying with me i thank God for you and pray some how we can stay in touch always praying june aka alicia :(

Great Ideas said...

I'm really going to miss you, Kurt. Of course, you've impacted so many lives and I know you'll continue to do so in your new venture. I'm so glad I finally got to meet you in person at Britt Nicole's ministry night a little while ago.

Of course, I'll continue to follow your blog. I don't know if we're facebook friends but I can change that!!! This is one of the many reasons I love the Internet. We never really have to say "good-bye" :^)

It's been a great adventure "Doing Life On The Radio" with you, Kurt. God's blessing to you and your family.

Until we meet again,

Henderson NV

siradama said...

You will be missed...We are two of the people who have "enjoyed your company!" since you were on the Channel 3 news here in Las Vegas. We have enjoyed your friendly communications style both on TV and with SOS... You have a natural gift that draws people to listen to you. Thank you for everything and we know that God will continue to bless you in New York.

Love in Christ,

Charles and Diana Waldorf

Janis said...

I agree with everything "great ideas" Kevin said.

Krista Hamel said...

I'm so happy for you, but I wanted to tell you how much I miss listening to you on SOS. I will be praying for you and your family in this new venture. God bless you in your work for the glory of Christ.

Krista Hamel
Henderson, NV

Unknown said...

excellent blog. I am glad that I met on the net. Interesting posts that have to be necessarily shared. Congratulations!
you did a good job here .. Keep up the good work and a splendid Sunday to you!