Thursday, August 6, 2009

Go Global

I think many of us would love to plug-in and serve Christ.

But one thing that's holding us back is what I call the paralysis of analysis.

Where should I go?

What should I do?

How should I do it?

On and on it goes.

Until we just don't do anything at all.

Maybe you caught my recent interview with Michelle Diedrich of Global Media Outreach.

The work they're doing is really awesome!

Do you realize you can volunteer to be an online missionary with them?

You can impact the world for Christ by answering emails from people all over the world who have questions about Jesus.

In case you missed it, click below to listen to my conversation with Michelle:

You'll be able to get a feel for the heartbeat of the ministry.

Then check out the website:

Maybe the paralysis of analysis will be a thing of the past for you!

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