Monday, January 5, 2009

Read Through The Bible This Year (You Can Do It!)

I know it can be pretty intimidating.

"What me... read through the Bible in a year?"

"The whole thing?"


As we begin the new year, I want to encourage you to give this a try.

Maybe you have tried but gave up for one reason or another.

For me, I always got stuck somewhere in the Old Testament.

You know... Numbers... 1 & 2 Chronicles...etc.

My biggest challenge though was not having a plan.

Granted, the plan can be tough some days.

But if you stick with it, asking God to help you, you'll make it through.

And if you're like me you'll be so excited about how the Holy Spirit is speaking to you day by day it'll turn into an adventure.

You'll sit down to read and BAM! the day's reading will address the very thing you're dealing with.

Or sometimes you don't even know you'll be dealing with it but that verse or those verses will come back to you when you need them later on in the day.

It's amazing!

I've read through the Bible a few times now.

The only way I can do it is to read a One Year Bible.

I have several in various translations.

They break up each day's reading into a portion of the Old Testament, a portion of the New Testament, plus Psalms & Proverbs.

After I finish one the next year I move on to a different translation to vary things up a bit.

A few thoughts:

1. Sometimes I'll be reading and some verses really capture my attention. I camp out there and meditate a bit. Don't move on for the sake of the plan. The goal is to meet God daily, not get through the Bible in a year. You may end up reading more on some days than others.

2. Have a good study Bible handy. I often have questions about what I read and need some help. The two I use the most are The MacArthur Study Bible & The ESV Study Bible.

3. Have a notebook and a pen handy. No pressure. But if the Lord gives you an insight, write it down and date it.

For those who want to do everything on the computer with Bible software, you have a ton of options. You can write notes and file them in seconds.

In fact, I just ran across the One Year Bible Blog. More than 8 thousand people in 55 countries have already signed up. One of the neat features is the use of pictures & videos to help you understand the biblical text.

Check it out:

Use the plan but don't make it your taskmaster.

Your goal is to meet with the Lord.

Every day.

In some way.

And oh.. yeah.

Hang on for the ride of your life!

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