Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Next Rung Life

There's no such thing as serving the God of the universe in a small place.

Some places may seem bigger than others. But it's WHO you're working for and not WHERE.

Our culture encourages us to make it to that next rung on the ladder no matter what.

After all, it's a "bigger" place with a "bigger" paycheck and "bigger" responsibilities.
And don't forget the "bigger" amount of prestige you can enjoy being on the next rung.

But what if the "next rung life" means you have less time to invest in your relationship with God?

That's where our power comes from as Christians.

From being in His presence and hearing His voice. Following the "still small voice" means turning down the volume on life each day.

Personally, I'd rather stay in the so-called "small place" and have God and His power than go to a place where I need even more of His power and have none.

But if God puts you on the next rung He'll still be saying... "Stay close to me. I will be with you just like I have always been. Investing in my presence will be your success.

And your peace.

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